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Going Plastic Free will be easy .... right?

Going Plastic Free will be easy .... right?

For us there were stages that we moved through when we decided to give Plastic Free July a go. Most of it was not pretty or Instagram worthy but nevertheless real change can be hard - behaviour change is the hardest. Although we have come a long way we have never stopped learning or picking up new ideas or ways of achieving an objective. We are not perfect and anyone that claims to be is a fraud. It is impossible to function in our society without producing some waste. So here are our stages on the journey to reducing plastic waste ….

RESOLVE - Lets do this!

  • A stage tinged with inspiration and more than a little naivety. Perhaps you already have good recycling habits and are concerned with the amount of waste you still produce. There is the acknowledgement this might not be easy but let’s give it a go! Research reveals a month long challenge called Plastic free July and you decide to make the commitment.

    Maybe you saw a movie or documentary that affected you. Taking control of a situation where there appears to be no control. Feeling the need to do something.


  • Realisation of how much plastic we accumulate in our everyday lives. Looking for alternatives - buying meat , bread, fruit and vegetables becomes a logistical challenge. Shopping at a bulk food store goes a long way but what about the peripheral items? What if you don’t have access to a bulk food store? More importantly where do I get chips! You experience the first of many ‘Container Cringe’ episodes - this is where you ask for a product to be placed in a byo container and are made to feel like an outcast for asking.


  • Focusing on how to achieve goals of drastically reducing waste. Starting to really see how much, food particularly, comes in plastic and how much our routine is based around convenience. Others reactions - mild amusement . Socialising becomes awkward- finding quick and easy recipes to feed visitors. Trying to avoid situations where excess packaging will be generated by you or for you. Unsupportive household- little steps and living by example. Trying to develop memory muscles for remembering reusable bags, coffee cups, containers and saying no to straws all the time!

    Environmental and waste cost become just as important as the economic cost.


  • Tupperware is sexy again! Containers, containers, containers. Jars feature heavily in this new found awareness and become coveted items. Takeaway is hard but eating in is easy - taking the time to sit down for a meal or coffee. Pizza comes in cardboard but Chinese does not! Things we haven’t eaten in a while ..... Tim tams, rice crackers and potato chips.


  • It becomes overwhelming how much plastic is used and wasted around you when you are actively trying to avoid the stuff . Why aren’t more people concerned ? There is a sense of grieving. It is exhausting to keep trying sometimes. Walking into a conventional supermarket is a slap in the face. Luckily wine comes in glass!


  • Eventually new habits form and a comfort zone develops. One of the victories is discovering your not the only one doing this. Diet has changed - cooking for yourself can be relaxing, fun and is definitely healthier than buying all the processed pre packaged foods. If you’ve got the ingredient someone has a recipe just ask Google. You would be surprised what you can make with what you have in the pantry. Purely by accident you waste less food by refilling containers at a bulk food store. There is sense of control in a world where not much seems within our control. You definitely develop a thicker skin about asking to avoid plastic and find businesses that are supportive and not going to make you feel like an alien. There’s no going back. You find reserves of stubborn optimism and join a ground swell of people on the same journey.

By Rachel & Simon

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